My friend and brother, youu have no idea how much this means to me. And you have sent it to me just at the right time. God used you to speak to me with these deeply profound words and to strengthen me and encourage me. You spoke about finding reasons to go on despite whatever challenges may come our way…… well I found those reasons long ago but … sometimes it is very difficult to hold on to them. Sometimes it is very hard to keep hope alive and to hold on to your faith.

Sometimes things get a little cloudy and people that should know better go out of their way to wound and hurt u so badly that you wonder whether it is all worth it and u begin to forget or diminish the weight and importace of those reasons. But with your beautiful words and their warmth and compassion, I can, once again, see those reasons clearly and I will hold on to them dearly. You see throughout my life the enemy has fought me. And in the last two years particularly those that have availed themselves to his usage have sought to kill me, bury me, demean me, destroy me, kill my dreams, abort my vision, scatter my loved ones, destroy those that are dear to me and humiliate me and my family before the entire world. But because Christ lives in me I am still standing and not only standing but standing tall and strong and with my head held up high. I have learnt to take the pain and to despise the shame because I know that though weeping may tarry for the night, joy comes in the morning. I despise the shame because God is with me and because He is my strength.

The bible tells us that the Lord Himself despised the shame and the pain of the cross and He paid the price only because He knew that that was what He came into this world to do, that was His calling, that was His mission and He knew the glorious prize that lay ahead. He knew the end even before the beginning and He knew that that end would be total victory and joy everlasting. He knew that God would honour His word and never forsake Him and He knew that in the end all things would be made beautiful. He knew that nothing could separate Him from the love of the Lord. He knew that no matter how many times they insulted Him, spat in His face, humiliated Him, detained Him, scoffed at Him, mocked Him, framed Him, wrongly accused Him, arrested Him or crucified Him, that in the end and in the fullness of time, He was going to win. That is why the bible tells us that had the princes of this world known they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. We are being crucified night and day and yet we have done no wrong. Yet night and day we are silent and we are as sheep being taken to the slaughter. And yet again I have no fears because for this purpose I have been specially prepared and raised by God and I know that He will see me through. Nothing and no-one can thwart His counsel.

Nothing and no-one can hold back His hand. I stand firm and I stand strong no matter what comes my way because I have seen the top of the mountain, I know the end and it doesnt matter anymore. One thing that I know and that I have learnt over the years is that God does not lie and He does not fail. I also know that He is compassionate and filled with mercy and He never forsakes His own. And because of this I learnt to stop worrying about anything, anyone and any set of circumstances that may come my way many years ago. God is, and will always be, in control. And in this matter of politics, and indeed in every other matter, His will will be done and none other. As for me I pledge to You this day before the Hosts of Heaven and before both the visible and the invisible that I will not let You down. In whichever capacity that I find myself serving my nation again and at whatever level, if that be the will of God, I will not let u down. And neither will I be intimidated by anyone or any circumstance. Your words have renewed my strength and given me new and fresh courage at a time that I was beginning to feel lonely and weary. God will bless you forever for this and each time that I am feeling a little down I shall read your words and fill myself with the love and strength that they breathe. Thank you so much. Shalom.