Again if you tell Biden supporters that claim to be Christians that hundreds of great and reputable men of God and tried and tested Prophets from all over the world like Emmanuel Kobe, Emmanuel Jatau, Kenneth Copeland, Sid Roth, Pat Robertson. Sadhu Selvaraj, Denise Goulet, Mark Goulet, Mark Taylor, Chris Oyakhilome, Franklin Graham, Michelle Bachmann, Kat Kerr, Stella Immauel, Lance Wallnau, Mark Burns, Paula White, Curt Landry, Kevin Zadai, Gregg Lock, Patrick Wooden, Joseph Okechukwu, Isaac Idahosa, Claudia Tcharpornu, Emmanuel Magba, David Azzaman, Abraham Azaza and the late Kim Klement all said that Trump would serve a second term and that other great and respected men of God like our very own Prophet T.B. Joshua (a man for whom I have immense respect and affection) said it would be a very close election, that there would be a recount in some states, that the matter would end up in court and that the newest and latest Justice of the Supreme Court, Justice Amy Coney Barret, would play a key role in the matter, they will say they do not believe.
They would rather believe in CNN, Fox News, NBC, Big Tech, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the gods of this world than in the words of the servants of the Most High God.
Such lack of faith, spiritual blindness and moral turpitude is a tragedy of monumental proportions. It speaks volumes about the level to which the minds of these misguided and mainly unenlightened and uneducated miscreants have degenerated to.
They do not know or even care to know about the things of the spirit or the mind of God. They only know and care to know about satisfying their reprobate cravings, sensual fantasies and filthy perversions and indulging in the things of the world.

Gripped by the compelling power of the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life they are as carnal and worldly as ever. They do not care about what God says, feels or wants but only about what their corrupt souls, soiled spirits, repugnant appetites, disgusting instincts and insatiable stomachs crave.
Worse of all is the fact that they have little knowledge about how the world works, how it is run, who runs it and the systematic attempt by those insidious forces to undermine the sovereignty of God in the name of liberalism and the permissive state.
Lost on them are the words of brilliant and incisive Trumpians like Mr. Joseph C. Okechukwu who wrote,
“The liberal/left that Biden and Harris represent equals the sexualisation of children, the normalisation of pedophilia, the demonisation of conservatives, the hatred of God, the disdain of morality, the encouragement of the break-down of the family unit, the promotion of socialism, the opening of borders, the propagation of globalisation and the cheating and stealing of elections”.

Such insightful, incontrovertible and unassailable assertions are beyond their comprehension and understanding and cannot be accommodated by their brain due to its low intelligence quotient.
They are victims of mind-control and they have been misled, blinded and deluded by satan and the media. They are indeed a pitiful lot.
Needless to say they see Trump and those of us that love and support him as fascists and right wing religious extremists simply because we espouse and refuse to rescind or reject our core Christian beliefs and values.
We believe that God rules in the affairs of men but they believe that men themselves are gods and that satan has the right to sit at the table.

Biden’s most naive, gullible and incredulous supporters throughout the world are in Nigeria. I say this because they have forgetten the significant role that he and Obama played in opposing President Goodluck Jonathan and removing him from power by openly supporting Buhari in 2015.
They did that simply because Jonathan refused to pass a law which would have allowed gay marriages after they told him to do so. If anyone doubts this they should ask Jonathan. Obama’s media advisor David Axelrod also played a key role and his company was well paid for it.
They were the ones that came up with the “change” slogan which Buhari used and they also covered up the fact that the election was massively rigged by INEC in favour of Buhari. Actually they advised them on how to do it and assured them of American support in the event of any resistance from the sitting Government.
The truth about how they helped to organise the Chibok girls abduction and undermine Jonathan’s credibility and fight against Boko Haram is yet to be told.

And the words of the beautiful lady who gave Chief MKO Abiola a poisoned cup of tea after which he dropped dead at her feet 16 years earlier when she was Bill Clinton’s Undersecretary of State for Africa, Susan Rice, and who by then was Barack Obama’s National Security Advisor, to two key members of Jonathan’s Govenment (one a Minister and the other a National Security Advisor) that it was the intention of America to destabilise and discredit the Nigerian Federal Government and that they were committed to removing Jonathan from power spoke volumes.
Most leaders of the American Democratic Party are intrinsically evil, wicked and heartless people even though they give the impression of being the opposite and Obama and Biden were the architects of this perfidious and evil policy on Nigeria. Yet it is the same people that have been complaining for the last four years about Russian interference in the 2016 American presidential election which brought Trump to power. Such hypocrisy.
Everything that our people have suffered over the last five years is because of what Obama and Biden did to us then even though many may not know it. They were conned then and they are being conned again today.
They conned and rigged the Nigerian people by helping Buhari in 2015 and now they are attempting to con and rig the American people using the same fraudulent tactics.

Worse of all is the fact that their hatred for Trump is so profound, so deep, so obsessive, so delusional and so irrational that they forget that he is the only foreign President, past or present, that has dared to call Buhari out for the killing and persecution of Christians in our country. How easily we forget our helpers and those that care for us.
Yet this means nothing to them. Buying the hogwash on CNN and the BBC and getting a visa to live happily ever after living on welfare, washing plates and driving taxis in Biden’s America is far more important to them and that is their dream. Frankly they deserve to be pitied.
Now most Biden supporters cannot read or concentrate for too long and this essay may be too much of a handful for thrm but let us hope they can learn something from the following insighful words which were written by a Trumpian by the name of Mr. Oscar Nzeh. He wrote,
“During the American Presidential Campaigns Africans prefered a candidate above the other almost purely based on AMERICAN problems: health care, stands on abortion, economy, environment etc. They liked or hated a candidate for the same reasons Americans liked or hated a candidate and not uniquely with respect to African interests as if we were Americans and not Africans. Here was my priority;

- While Michelle Obama was holding that placard in solidarity with Nigeria demanding the release of the more than 200 abducted Chibok girls by Boko Haram, her husband with his Vice president JOE BIDEN were refusing to sell military gear and helicopters to Nigeria to fight Boko Haram. Why? Goodluck Jonathan signed the Same Sex Prohibition Act.
- While she was holding that placard, Obama-Biden administration refused to share military intelligence needed to crush Boko Haram with Nigeria. Why? Because of the Same Sex Prohibition Act.
- Obama-Biden administration acted to prevent Israel from selling military wares to Nigeria to fight Terrorism. Why? Because of the Same Sex Prohibition Act.
- Obama-Biden administration refused to add Boko Haram to the Terrorism Watch List which meant that: Boko Haram accounts were not frozen even when CIA detected them; Boko Haram members were not put on No-Fly list; America would not commit Military resources and direct actions to fight Boko Haram.
Thousands of people were being slaughtered and bombed by Boko Haram in the North East and Obama and Biden valued a political agenda above lives. Yet Trump is the bad guy? Maybe Bad guy for America but good guy for me, as a Nigerian.
On the other hand:
In 2017 President Trump after winning the election approved the $600 million sale of 12 Embraer A-29 Super Tucanos, light attack aircrafts equipped with wing-mounted machine guns, weapons integration with advanced surveillance… precision-guided bombs, and even air-to-air missiles. Nigeria had been trying to acquire the aircraft since 2015 under Obama-Biden.

5; Obama-Biden administration directly interfered with Nigerian presidential election by
A) Obama made a video directly asking Nigerians to vote for the “next chapter” in reference to Buhari. That’s a direct interference and criminal according to international laws.
B) Obama “lent” the opposition party his campaign manager David Axelrod to foist a DICTATOR, Muhammadu Buhari on us. Yes Obama and Biden are responsible for the present woes of Nigeria under Buhari.
C) Obama sent John Kerry, his Secretary of State to Nigeria on the EVE of election to meet with the opposition party leadership. According to President Goodluck Jonathan on BBC: “Obama’s interference in our election was overwhelming.”
- Cut aids to Nigeria over the Same Sex Prohibition Act.
Did you also notice that nobody asked Joe Biden about Libya? After Obama bombed Libya and effected a criminal regime change there, he turned around and called it a “SHIT SHOW”. I know you didn’t know that.

All you know is when Trump called some countries a shit hole. Because that’s all the media allowed you to know.
My preference for Trump is not based on how good he is for America or not but by how good he is for Africa. Not based at all on his personality but foreign policy
Obama and Biden are the fox with a fatal smile, to Africa. Trump is the outright wolf who DID NOT attack Africa.
As an African, I take the man who is a racist but doesn’t interfere or bomb me, the racist who sells me arms to fight terrorists over the Mr Nice Guy who has blood on his hands – the blood of all slain by Boko Haram and in Libya and more.

This is why many Nigerians love Trump. It is those that are alive that can start talking about immigration. Because many Nigerians are poor, they don’t feel the anti-immigration policy of Trump, but they can feel Boko Haram. TRUMP helped us where it mattered most”.
Oscar, a clear-thinking, insighful and great Trumpian, has said it all. I need say no more.
Permit me to add the words of yet another courageous young Trumpian by the name of Mr. Igho David. He wrote the following,
“Now you will agree Facebook is just another branch of the angry leftist media. Facebook has removed the title “President” from President Trump’s page. Watch as Nigerian Trump haters in Nigeria and America will applaud Facebook, but will turn around to cry blue murder over Buhari wanting to regulate social media in Nigeria”.

This is yet another brillant observation. Let us hope Biden’s Nigerian supporters get the message and learn from it.
May God cure every Trump-hater of his or her blindness and open their eyes and may He, in His infinite mercy and wisdom, heal their diseased minds, bodies, spirits and souls.
I shall end this contribution with the incisive and prophetic words of Mr. Oluyemi Olubunmi Adeleye He wrote,
“Now they are releasing the vaccines because they think that Biden won the election. Coronavirus was created and released by China to ruin the economy and the health system and to turn people against President Trump, so that they can make Biden and their allies win the elections. There is a secret alliance that includes China, the deep state, the corrupt political establishment, the mainstream media, the big tech companies, the globalists and the Democrats led by Biden, Kamala and Obama. They have a secret plan to take over the USA and turn it into a Chinese colony to serve the Globalists. And the release of the coronavirus was their way to turn people against President Trump who was against their plans and who has been defending the sovereignty and independence of the USA. Now they think that they won, so they are releasing the vaccines. But what they don’t know is that they didn’t win because President Trump will expose the fraud in the presidential election process and will arrest and prosecute Biden, Kamala, Obama and everyone involved in it. President Trump will stay as the President for 4 more years and will Make America Great Again!!”

I could not agree more with Mr. Adeleye. I daresay that these words were not revealed to him by flesh but by the Spirit of the Lord.
Let us hope the the Obama, Biden, Hilary Clinton and Kamalla-loving liberal/left fascists and gung ho diehard globalists in our midst learn a thing or two from his counsel and appreciate what is about to hit them.
I conclude with the encouraging and deeply inspiring words of President Trump’s utterly brilliant, beautiful and alluring lawyer, Sidney Powell. She said,
“We will not be intimidated…We are going to clean this mess up now. President Trump won by a landslide. We are going to prove it. And we are going to reclaim the United States of America for the people who vote for freedom”.
And so it shall be in Jesus name! Shalom. (CONCLUDED)